5 Ideas To Help You Find Clients Who Align With Your Vision

When it comes to running your own creative business, there are a few things that you might crave to feel like you’re doing it just right –– and one of these is consistency. 

The power of knowing that you can count on a steady stream of clients and revenue is something that many creative entrepreneurs dream of, right?

But the question that’s left is: “How can I make this happen?”

Well, the good news is that it’s totally possible to work with people who share your values while also bringing in consistent clients –– moving out of the constant feast and famine cycle that can be detrimental not only to how you run your business but also to how you feel as a business owner.

Here’s the thing: running a business can be challenging –– it can even be draining. From feelings of loneliness to a neverending sense of urgency, and even decision fatigue, letting these draining emotions get the best of you can be incredibly harmful and challenging to deal with… but being mindful of them and applying specific strategies to overcome them can lead to building a business that brings you joy and abundance!

If you’re ready to build a thriving business that aligns with your values and goals, and find great and consistent clients while you’re at it, here’s what you can start doing today.

What is an aligned client?

Have you ever found yourself wondering what having “aligned clients” really means?

In short, an aligned client truly appreciates you and the work you do and values the outcome you provide. Even if you have a product-based business, an aligned client believes in what you do and in what you offer –– they’re ready to support you and cheer you on.

An aligned client also goes further than just believing in you –– they’re a genuine, great fit in the sense that they share your expectations and values, and respect your boundaries.

When you work with an aligned client, they fully trust you to do your job and don’t micromanage the process; plus, they don’t drain your energy or make you feel stressed –– instead, they get you excited and make the process a whole lot easier for everyone involved.

And, best of all, they’re also someone you LOVE working with!

So, to that I say: don’t just settle for any client out there –– there’s no need to fall into a scarcity mentality and simply take whatever comes, especially when you don’t feel they’re a good fit. 

Hold out for the clients who truly appreciate, understand, and see value in what you do –– and that will make all the difference.

5 ideas to help you find aligned clients

When I say “hold out for the right clients” you might be wondering: “Well, great! Easier said than done… where do I find those?”

Hear me out, though. Finding aligned clients might seem like a daunting task, but it’s not impossible –– in fact, there are several strategies you can use to attract clients who are aligned with your workflow, your values, and your needs.

To help get you started in the right direction, here are five ideas that can help you find aligned clients and build a thriving business that fits into your life –– not the other way around.

Let’s dive in and explore these together!

1. You don’t have to do everything, all of the time

the time to be successful. But the truth is… you don’t have to spread yourself thin across multiple channels to attract aligned clients. In fact, focusing on what works best for you can actually help you find these clients more easily and with less energy.

For example, take a creative entrepreneur who has built their business through word-of-mouth referrals. By understanding that they don’t have to do everything, they’re able to focus their energy on continuing to build relationships with their existing clients and encouraging said clients to refer them to others. This approach not only feels more natural, but it also helps to attract more clients who appreciate their work and value their services.

So, if you’ve already had clients, take a moment to look back and identify where they came from:

  • Did they find you on social media?

  • Were they a referral from someone you know?

  • Did they look you up online and come across your website?

By understanding where your clients are coming from, you can start to focus your energy on those channels that are most effective –– which, in turn, helps you maximize your efforts, without leading to burnout.

And, if you’re just starting out, make sure you ask your clients and leads where they heard about you. This can help you start to identify which channels are worth investing more time and money in, and which ones might not be as effective. Then, by focusing on what works best for you, you can begin to attract more aligned clients and build a business that feels fulfilling.

2. Get your clients’ perspectives

As creative entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get caught up in your own perspective about your work and forget about your clients’ experiences. Asking your clients for their perspective, however, can be an incredibly powerful tool for understanding what you do well and how you can improve.

One way to do this is by interviewing past clients and asking for their honest feedback. Whether you do this yourself or have someone else do it for you, “exit” interviews are always a great way to gather said feedback and look for ways to keep improving and moving forward. In fact, having someone else conduct these interviews can be a great option – especially because clients might feel more comfortable sharing their honest thoughts with a third party. 

In the past, when I’ve tried this approach, I found it incredibly helpful and insightful! 

I learned:

  • Different themes my clients felt working together

  • What worked best in my process and what didn’t

  • What my superpower is and getting affirmation for that

Hearing my clients’ experiences in their own words also helped me find the best language to use in my marketing! I started using the same words and phrases that my clients used/were using and, I was also able to better relate to potential clients and show them what I could do to help.

Overall, getting your clients’ perspectives can be a big confidence boost that can help you understand the impact you’re making and how you can continue to generate impact.

So, consider reaching out to past clients and asking for their feedback – you may be surprised as to what you learn and how it can help you to attract more aligned clients in the future!

3. Find your superpower –– and claim it with confidence

As a creative entrepreneur, it’s important to uncover your superpower. What do I mean by that? Well, your superpower is that natural talent  that you bring to your business or creative offering.

And, once you’ve identified it, it’s also essential to embrace it and claim it confidently without apologizing for it.

Your superpower can take many forms, and it’s different for everyone. For some, it might be the ability to help other people feel seen and understood. For others, it might be their knack for being a really good listener or asking insightful questions. Still, for others, it might be their talent for always getting people together and having a great time!

What it all boils down to is this:  when you embrace and focus on your superpower, you can attract aligned clients that fit in with that.

Honing in on your superpower makes things feel more easy-going and natural –– and it’s a lot better and healthier to focus on this.

So, take some time to reflect on what your superpower might be. What do you do better than anyone else? What comes naturally to you?

Once you’ve nailed it down, embrace it –– and don’t ever apologize for it.

Your superpower is what sets you apart from the rest, and that’s what will end up helping you attract more aligned clients down the line.

4. The power of small steps

When it comes to running a business, “consistency” is often talked about as a key factor for success. But for many of us – myself included – the idea of being consistent month after month can start to feel a little overwhelming and create a lot of unnecessary pressure.

That’s where the power of small steps comes in.

Rather than looking at consistency as a big goal to achieve, breaking it down into small steps can actually help to make things feel more manageable and achievable. So, instead of trying to do everything at once, focus on what small steps you can take today, tomorrow, or next week to move you closer to your goals.

For me, personally, the “small steps” mentality has been a total game changer. By breaking down my goals into smaller steps, I’ve been able to build momentum and make consistent progress over time.

And do you want to hear the best part? Taking small steps has actually helped me to avoid burnout and overwhelm… which has made it more likely that I’ll be able to stick with these goals in the long run.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of being consistent in your business, try taking a step back and focusing on the little things that you can do to keep moving forward –– slowly, but always with confidence and energy. Whether that means reaching out to a potential client, tackling a small project, or setting aside a few minutes each day to actively work towards a certain goal, every small step adds up to big results over time.

5. Don’t be afraid to pitch yourself

If you’re looking to expand your client base and find new opportunities to grow your business, one powerful strategy to consider is reaching out to potential clients directly.

While it may seem a little intimidating at first, pitching yourself and your services to someone you admire or respect can be an effective way to connect with aligned clients and build relationships that can last for years to come.

Here’s the thing, though: the key to success with this approach is to identify people or brands that you genuinely want to work with and that share your values and vision. This might mean seeking out individuals who are working in your industry or niche and who have a similar aesthetic or style to your own, or it could also mean targeting businesses or organizations that align with your broader purpose.

Once you’ve identified your potential aligned clients, the next step is to reach out to them and make your pitch. This could be in the form of an email, social media message, in-person meeting, phone call, or video proposal… it all depends on the situation. 

One thing’s for sure: don’t be afraid to go big! The worst thing that can happen is that they decline your offer –– and then you can move on to the next! This is a small reminder that even though rejection is always a possibility, the act of putting yourself out there and aligning with the energy of abundance and opportunity can be a powerful force in its own right!

Don’t be afraid to take a chance and see where it leads –– you never know what kind of amazing opportunities might be awaiting you.

6. BONUS: Leverage your community

Reaching out to your community or past clients and asking them to share your business or offer can also be a powerful way to expand your reach.

Whether it’s through word-of-mouth or social media, having others share their positive experiences can help you attract aligned clients. Also, don’t forget about the people who are already in your circle –– building relationships with them can also be valuable!

Simply trust that by sharing your passion and offers with the right people, the right opportunities will come your way. And always remember that detaching from the outcome and focusing on the process of connection and relationship-building is key.

Finding aligned clients can be easier than you imagine

At the end of the day, attracting aligned clients who share your vision, values, and ideals is a great way to run a successful creative business that continues to be fulfilling and joyful!

As you can imagine, working with people who appreciate what you bring to the table will feel a lot better –– and make the entire process a lot more streamlined and enjoyable –– than working with someone who doesn’t appreciate you, your work, or what you have to say.

To find aligned clients, here are five strategies you can start using today:

  1. Don’t try to do it all at the same time: Ideally, begin to focus on what works best for you and understand that you don’t need to do it all to succeed.

  2. Understand your clients’ perspectives: Interview past clients (or have someone interview them for you) to gain insight into what they believe worked and what can be improved when working with you.

  3. Find your superpower: Find what makes you special and celebrate it! Claim it with confidence, and let it pave the way for how you work.

  4. Take small steps: Instead of putting pressure on yourself to be consistent and do it all at once, take small steps that feel more manageable and still lead you toward your goals.

  5. Pitch yourself: Reach out to people and clients you’d like to work with and detach from the outcome. Great things might come when you put yourself out there!

  6. BONUS - Reach out to your community: Ask the people in your circle to share your offer or service, and make the most of these connections to help you build new ones.

If you feel like you’re still struggling to attract aligned clients and would like support in developing a plan that works for you and helps shift your mindset, don’t hesitate to reach out and book a call with me!

I’d be more than happy to help you create a customized plan that aligns with your unique needs and strengths, and provide guidance as you work toward attracting the clients of your dreams.

Remember, the power to attract aligned clients is in your hands –– it might just take a little push to set you in the right direction.


3 Ways to Help You Filter Out Unaligned Clients and Minimize Burnout


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