Confidently Grow Your Business Without Burnout


I know you pour so much love and time into your passionate business. But, did you know that not all effort is equal in terms of results?

Are you creative gifts being hidden behind stress, uncertainty, or burnout? I know you have so much to give and so much passion, and it’s easy to be pulled a dozen directions. I love Youtube/Google-university, but here’s the tea – this isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor and group courses and online videos aren’t going to cut it to reach the next step.
It is possible to have a creative business that fully supports you. You can feel confident in your business growth and in your next steps.

Imagine feeling confident as CEO of your business!

What if you could wake up each day and confidently take the actions that will manifest your gifts and move your business forward?
What would it feel like to have confidence that you have what it takes to grow your business and not have to worry about following trends, perfectionism, and worst of all, burnout?




My coaching program combines inner work with practical actions to grow your business and teach you how to confidently show up each day as your own CEO of this beautiful biz you are passionately creating.


Shift from freelancer to CEO mindset in 8 weeks


Fill out an onboarding questionnaire


Show up for seven individual coaching calls (one hour each)


Get After Session Notes, so you have a tangible takeaway from each session


Integration week, so you can see the results start to come in, and take time to integrate your next level


What you will learn in the program


Personal Decision-Making – Have a decision-making roadmap so you can always reach the next step


Goodbye Roadblocks - Learn what blocks repeat themselves, and how to conquer them instead of getting stuck


Lifestyle - Keeping it fun while growing your biz


Client Systems for Simplicity - Bookings & referrals, while protecting your boundaries


CEO Strategy - Personalized strategy & bringing aligned energy to your next steps


These Creatives Have Already Leveled Up!

  • “Oriana is the BEST!!! Working with Oriana I felt safe, seen & understood which allowed me to move through deep rooted challenges. I was energized by our time together and looked forward to each week.

    One of the biggest transformations of working with Oriana is the limiting beliefs that were holding me back from taking action no longer hold me back. I launched an offering that had been in my heart for a while (but I hadn’t thought was good enough), and I was blown away by the number of ideal clients who signed up after I made changes to better fit my own needs. Before working with Oriana, I was scared to take these steps.

    Oriana is an amazing coach who helps you to trust yourself. I can feel the difference and others see it too.

    Oriana helped me quickly change the way I think and show up in life. Confidence and reconnecting to my true self is something I will always take with me after this coaching experience. THANK YOU ORIANA!!!!”

    -Kelly Hartman, USA

  • Before working with Oriana, I was flustered and frequently stressed. I've tried so many things, including books, courses, podcasts, meditation, and on and on. If you are considering coaching with Oriana, do it! She is BRILLIANT at helping you to figure out what you want and how to get it!

    I still refer back to our coaching sessions in my mind and they continue to benefit me, even nine months later. One thing I liked best is not only did we reach goals that were truly aligned to me, but I changed my mindset and am better able to prioritize myself and the bigger picture. I would 100% recommend.

    -Chrystal Lofton, USA

  • Oriana is by far the best coach I have ever worked with. I felt so seen. During our 8 weeks together, I learned so much!

    She quickly became a confidant, someone I could really lean into my authenticity with to grow into the person I am becoming—all while utilizing the tools she taught me. Tools that will forever be embedded in me. She made tasks become daily & weekly habits to accelerate my growth. She always reminded me of my power & made sure I felt supported every step of the way! She makes you own every part of yourself & feel good about it! Talk about mindset!

    I highly recommend Oriana to anyone that is looking to take their mindset to the next level personally & professionally as changing your internal for the better involuntarily changes your external for more love & opportunity imaginable.”

    - Vanessa Stoll, USA

  • Oriana has a natural ability to create a very warm and calm environment. I felt safe to expose my achilles heel and soft spots without fear of being judged… I have gathered myself and feel at ease with myself.

    Oriana helped me untangle what has been holding me back in my work and financial future for years. The weekly framework was motivating, targeted, and well guided! I felt supported and left with more clarity, trust, and also with tools to maintain the progress.

    -Birgit Duebner, UK

 You’ve probably got questions, right?

A lot of programs gloss over the inner work and go straight to tactics — not this one. Here's the thing: If a system isn’t in alignment with you from the inside out, you might as well be fitting a circle into a square… and a carbon copy of someone else's square to boot. Instead, we’ll focus on you as a whole person, so that as you grow and your business goals change, you’ll always have a foundation of success under your feet.

The biggest growth is feeling confident in yourself and your decisions. Even more specific results clients have achieved are: Raising rates and selling out a brand new offering, without stressing - Ending a life long pattern of people-pleasing - Signing a lease on a dream apartment in a different country - Booking a $7k client (over twice as much as their previous highest paying client) - Letting go of overwhelm - Simplifying instead of doing All! The! Things! - Implementing boundaries and taking time to relax even in busy season - Spending more time with family and breaking habits of workaholism - Kicking Impostor Syndrome to the curb - Acing a certification exam after years of test-taking anxiety - Finally taking that leap that seemed impossible beforehand - Feeling confident in speaking publicly.

You are. I promise. Wherever you are on your business and personal growth journey, a coach can help you reach your next level with skill and efficiency. My past clients have ranged from a health coach who coaches others, to a photographer who was a “newbie” to personal development and one-to-one business coaching.

Yes, I do.


I’m registered & located in Charleston, South Carolina — but not even oceans are going to stand in the way of your success! Because we meet by phone or video call, I’m currently serving clients on two different continents.

If you have at least an inkling of an idea and some experience, schedule a discovery call to learn more.

This program is specifically designed for creative entrepreneurs who have received income for their services. Even if your business has been inactive for a while, or only takes up a “small” part of your time, we can grow it into something life-changing.

About 2 hours per week — but that’s not the most important part.

What I really need from you is commitment. Commitment to attending each session, reflecting on (and actively doing) the homework in between. Some weeks, a lot of the work will be processing new ideas. That won't take a specific time but it will be on your mind at various times in your day.

So, a good estimate is 2 hours per week (one hour for our session and one hour for follow up work).


Meet your coach

I took the leap to quit my nonprofit/arts management job and become a full time photographer. I was serving ideal clients and booking dreamy weddings, making a steady income, traveling, and building recognition for my art. What I didn’t see a few years in, was that burnout was right around the corner, leaving clues that my feast and famine seasonal mode of work - not to mention growth without my own inner road map was not sustainable.

Now, I know what it REALLY takes to build a passionate creative business. I will help sidestep procrastination and spinning your wheels doing all the things, and instead show up in your biz as a CEO.


 Are you ready to confidently claim the creative business that fully supports you?