Have you ever said this? (Limiting Beliefs)

I've hit my own glass ceiling, my own limiting beliefs before. 

Maybe you can relate?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

For me, past limiting beliefs showed up through

Doubting and downplaying, such as: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  • What if my success was all just luck before, not my own talent?

  • What if I'm not good enough, not cut out for this?

  • What if I set my goals too high?

Showed up through excuses –⠀⠀

  • How can I start over in a new place when I don't know about the market?

  • Or when I have X and Y responsibilities? ⠀⠀⠀⠀

  • Or when there is too much competition for my prices? Or my prices are too high/too low?

Showed up by unwittingly keeping myself small, within my "comfort" zone - without even realizing I was doing this! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Have you told yourself any of the above statements before?

Or other statements about why you can’t, about downplaying yourself, about reasons you “have” to stay small?

Limiting Beliefs

Procrastinating, hiding, perfectionism, shiny objects, and starting the next thing before finishing the last -✋these can also point the way to our own limiting beliefs. And they are 100% normal.

You don’t need a new planner, webinar, or morning routine to overcome them, you must understand them from the deeper why to move forward.  

And once you do — it is SO INCREDIBLY EMPOWERING to understand your limiting beliefs, and to be FREE of what has been keeping you stuck.

Once you have pulled back the curtain and see what was there all along in the shadows, you can literally never see things the same way again.

In coaching my clients so far in 2021, they dug deep on identifying limiting beliefs AND growing through practical strategies. 💪🌿 Seeing their wins & growth put into action has inspired me even more!

So, what does this have to do with marketing?

1) While you may want to grow your business (and consider marketing as a way to do that), if you keep yourself small you’re actually getting in your own way! You are sabotaging yourself and may not realize it.

2) As a creative business owner and the face and talent of your business, your own ideas, beliefs, and actions will have a huge affect on your business and literally any strategy and tool that you choose.

Years ago, I bought a clock that says Get Out of Your Own Way. I was spinning my wheels, procrastinating, and I sensed there was a pattern I couldn’t quite crack…

What changed?

First, I wasted time and money on things from morning routines to busywork to huge group courses that didn’t make a big difference. Yes I grew my business and hit some goals, but my limiting beliefs kept me small and wasting energy. Finally through investments in a high-end business coach and a life coach —> it was the combination of my working with both coaches at the same time that made for lasting change.

That’s why my business coaching includes mindset, because I know just how interrelated life and business are.

If you’re interested in reading more on the concept of an inner “glass ceiling” that you unwittingly enforce on yourself, I recommend the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.

The author uses the term UPPER LIMIT PROBLEM. In my coaching I prefer the terms “glass ceiling” as well as “comfort zone.” Either way, it’s when you hit a point that you can’t or don’t get past, over and over.

(Nerd alert: Message me if you want to know why I think the term glass ceiling is better and more appropriate than upper limit problem).

What do you think?

Have you thought about limiting beliefs related to marketing?

Have you ever said something that could be a limiting belief (like examples at the start of this post)?

If you’d like to schedule a discovery call to learn more about 1-to-1 coaching, send a message via the contact page!

Post originally published 2021, updated February 2022.

Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.


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