What Is Burnout for Creative Businesses and How Can You Overcome It?

I want to talk a little more about a feeling that we’ve all experienced at one point in our lives: burnout. First of all, let me preface everything I’m about to tell you by also saying that burnout is a completely normal, human feeling.

Burnout doesn’t make you a failure. Burnout doesn’t make you weak. Burnout doesn’t mean that you’re any less capable of achieving your dreams and hitting your goals.

There are a lot of factors that go into feeling burnt out — and none of those have anything to do with how capable, intelligent, or motivated you are.

Now, let’s take a closer look at everything that comes before the dreaded burnout, and how you can make an effort to overcome — or avoid — feeling this way.

Recognizing the 4 types of burnout

One of the most important things you need to understand about burnout is that not all burnouts are the same.

There are different situations that lead to burnout — and understanding these is the first step toward working on how to move past the feelings of irritability, exhaustion, and helplessness associated with it.

1. Overwork:  This type of burnout happens when you dedicate too much of your time to work and refuse to take a break. Whether you’re running your own business or working as part of a team, overwork is one of the most common causes of burnout. This type of burnout usually happens when you’re too focused on perfectionism, when you’re trying to do it all, and when you fear losing control over certain situations. 
2. Overwhelm: Another type of burnout — overwhelm — can happen when you’re not sure how to complete a task and you feel daunted by the thought of getting started. Typically, this type of burnout usually leads to procrastination and soaks up a lot of your mental energy, plaguing your mind with feelings of inadequacy, rejection, and lack of self-worth.

3. Under-engagement: Not feeling connected to your bigger picture or purpose can also lead to burnout — whether you’re busy or taking things slowly with your business. Feelings of boredom, monotony, and that you’re not doing what you’re meant to be doing are all signs of not being aligned with your bigger picture anymore, which means you’ll also feel a disconnect with what you’re doing and there won’t be much left to enjoy

4. Energy leak: This final type of burnout is not directly related to work, but can still have a harsh impact on your productivity, work, and personal life. When your energy begins to leak, your mental, emotional and spiritual health are directly affected. And, while you might start to notice symptoms of burnout at work, to begin with, you’ll be able to trace these back to different aspects in your personal life that might be the culprit for feeling this way. A strained personal relationship, struggling to speak up for yourself, or not taking care of your physical health can all lead to you feeling burnt out. 

How can you overcome burnout?

Now that you’re able to recognize the different types of burnout — and which burnout you might be experiencing — it’s time to dig a little deeper into the different ways you can overcome these feelings.

A small shift can unleash a wave of change, and it can make the difference between fizzling out with burnout and moving past it into a more equipped, prepared version of yourself.

So, when it comes to burnout, it’s important that you…

  • Find a community (or person!) that can support you. There’s no need to isolate yourself in shame, even if burnout is making you think that there’s no point in speaking up. Connecting with someone who has probably lived through the same thing is a great way to overcome these feelings because you’ll start to feel less alone in the process. Plus, their advice might also be what you need to finally see the situation from a different perspective and make the right decision.

  • Take a moment to pause. In terms of the bigger picture, it’s a lot better to step away from a task and not get it done than to burn yourself out trying to complete it. At the end of the day, the “bigger picture” will live on whether or not this happens, right? (The answer is yes 😉).

  • Shift your focus. As I mentioned earlier, a small change can make a big difference. Shifting your focus and prioritizing other things over work, productivity, etc. can help replenish your energy and be more intentional with your time and resources. Once you’ve figured out how to reshuffle your priorities, it’s a lot easier to combat burnout when you feel it creep up on you.

    All of these tools can help you in your fight against burnout, at the same time as they teach you that you’re not alone in this process — and that you don’t need to go at it alone, either.

3 questions to consider when you’re feeling burnt out

Overcoming burnout feels a lot easier said than done, right? 

It’s a lot easier to feel burnt out than to move past it, but that doesn’t mean that overcoming burnout is impossible. The only impossible thing is continuing to live with burnout as you try to go about your life in a healthy, happy, and impactful way.

So, whenever you feel burnout is starting to crawl its way back into your life, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Where do I feel unseen? What do I need to do in order to feel seen again?

  2. Where do I feel resistance? Am I angry, avoidant, or disappointed in myself?

  3. If I woke up tomorrow and could do anything with my life — obligations or boundaries aside — what would I choose to do? 

At the end of the day, being kind to yourself — and asking yourself these questions to understand what lies beneath the murky surface of burnout — is the most effective way to balance out your feelings when everything is starting to get too much.

Kindness, and letting yourself feel your feelings, will help you take the first step back into the best version of yourself that you already know exists out there.

Burnout does not define your worth

When it comes to dealing with burnout, self-compassion is one of the most important things you can give to yourself throughout the whole ordeal.

Another essential step toward overcoming burnout is just… stopping.

That task you haven’t completed and is giving you anxiety, that project you said you could handle on your own, that thing you’re working on that no longer brings you joy — simply stop doing them, give yourself space; and, if possible, relegate them to someone else!

Slowing down, looking at the bigger picture, and taking a step back from the feelings and actions that are causing your burnout will help you better understand and deal with the situation.

Sometimes we get too in our head and can’t see past the moment. But trust me: the way out is closer than you think — all it takes is a different perspective.

Are you a creative who’s feeling lost and a little burnt out? I’d love to help you find the tools you need to combat these feelings and get back on your feet! 

Click here to book a discovery call with me, and let’s work together to slow down in all the best ways.


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