When to Work With A Business & Mindset Coach

According to recent stats, coaching is the second-fastest growing industry in the United States: it was worth nearly $3 billion in 2019 and has continued to rise since! 

There’s no doubt that the sector is booming — and this can make it incredibly difficult to: 

  • a) decide if you’re even ready to connect with a coach and 

  • b) find a reliable coach who you can relate to and connect with.

If you’ve been thinking of different ways to make a positive change in your life and business, there’s really no doubt about it: a mindset and business coach is the perfect person to help you achieve this!

Feeling a little confused? Let’s run through some of the basics to see what this all means.

What is a business and mindset coach?

Put simply, a business and mindset coach’s job is to help guide entrepreneurs and business owners through the process of making decisions, choosing a path (not the “right path”, but the path that is right for them), and living comfortably and impactfully within their business and overall life choices.

That said, a mindset coach’s main objective is to help you reach your highest potential and celebrate everything that comes with this mindset shift: aligned work, more income, more impact, more time… you name it, and you decide it.

However, receiving and embracing “coaching” doesn’t come easy to everyone. 

Some people still feel embarrassed or worried about seeking help from a mindset and business coach — even when they know that they (and their business) can directly benefit from it.

It’s so easy for us to reach out to our friends and loved ones for help but let’s be honest: the people we love don’t always have the expertise or the knowledge we require to help us make decisions and move past certain mind blocks. 

That’s where the power of coaching comes in!

Specifically, a business and mindset coach can help you…

  • Unblock  any limiting beliefs you might have

  • Get clear on your goals and objectives

  • Implement new strategies

  • Stay accountable 

  • Uncover new opportunities you might want in business and life

  • Take action toward your ultimate goals

  • And so much more!

Because a great coach doesn’t just help you at the moment and then magically float away, leaving you to your own devices…

A good mindset coach provides you with the tools, abilities, and knowledge that you need at the moment… and that will stick around long after the coaching period ends!

They’re not meant to be a crutch, they’re actually more of a teacher.

4 reasons to consider working with a mindset coach

At the end of the day, deciding whether or not to work with a coach is a very personal choice. It’s also important to find a coach that is trained and matches your needs.

Still on the fence? Here are four of my top reasons why — if you’ve been actively considering it — you should take the plunge and work with a coach!

1. To focus on shared values

Working with a mindset coach is a great opportunity to bring your values and beliefs to life. 

From self-care to personal growth, self-inquiry, and creating more of what you wish to see in the world, they can provide you with the tools you need to understand them which, in turn, helps you truly honor them and work them into your reality. 

That way, your values go from being something you believe in, to something you are embodying and living out in your life and business.

2. To combine perspective and accountability

A mindset coach can help you make the switch from a “fixed” mindset to a “growth” mindset — one that encourages you to actively work towards your goals (as I mentioned above) with a new perspective.

This means that you’ll stop looking at challenges as boulders that stand in your way, or that lead to failure, and instead see them as opportunities that will help push you out of your comfort zone and learn something new.

A coach’s job is to be there every step of the way to make sure that you remain steadfast in your path to “success” — whatever this means to you — by holding you accountable to the promises you’ve made yourself.

And while you might worry about veering off the path due to self-doubt and limitations, a great mindset coach will help get you back on track.

3. To find support when you need it most

Humans are inherently social creatures, and we all work a lot better when we’re able to share our thoughts and feelings with one another.

Life as a business owner can be especially difficult and lonely, and coaches know this because they’ve been there too.

The beauty of working with a mindset coach is that you’ll receive the support you crave from someone who has the training to support you through self-belief and actualization — and who won’t just tell you what you want to hear.

They’ll have the tips and tools you need, they’ll present questions to help you choose your own answers, and they’ll also help boost your confidence by teaching you how to push aside any feelings of self-doubt and self-judgment that might arise.

All this, from personal experience, makes it even more tangible.

4. To learn a new skill

Business and mindset coaches are experts in their chosen fields, so much so, that they’ve transitioned from working in it to guiding and helping others navigate the difficult waters.

That said, their expertise means you’ll also learn a lot of different skills from someone directly outside your network, who’s been where you are, and understands the mindset blocks and feelings that you could be experiencing.

Are you ready to hire a mindset coach?

So, how do you know if you’re ready to work with a mindset coach?

A good place to start is by identifying if you’re…

  • Eager to move past your blocks

  • Ready to make more progress

  • Repeating harmful patterns that keep you in the same place

  • Looking to make a change in your life and business

  • Ready to take action to intentionally create the next stage of your life (and business!)

If your answer to most of these questions were “yes!”... working with a business and mindset coach might be just what you need to move into a more empowered and confident version of yourself.

The truth is, everything you need to make a positive change in your life already exists inside of you. Sometimes, though, you just need a little extra help shining a light on them to bring them back to life.

Luckily, working with a coach can help you bring out your own wisdom and purpose in the best ways through the power of guidance and support.

Are you a creative who’s been feeling a little stuck lately? I’d love to help you reconnect with your essence, and discover all the opportunities that lay ahead!

Click here to book a discovery call, and let’s talk about how we can work together to bring out a side of you that you might’ve never known existed… but that has been eager to come out and play!


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